Wednesday 8 January 2014

How To Enable thumbnails In Wordpress Theming

Most of the people who are new to WordPress does not know how to add post thumbnails to their WordPress blogs.
In this tutorial i will explain to add the WordPress post thumbnails in an easy way.
You can enable post thumbnails by plugin but i recommend you to add directly by adding simple code.

In your WordPress theme,you will find functions.php file, add the following code at end of the file.

   echo "I like PHP";
That's it!! You have enabled post thumbnails in Wordpress.

Saturday 30 November 2013

Wordpress Theming Basics

Wordpress theming is easy when you know a little bit of programming, i mean basics will be quite enough. Now a days many sites are developing themes, even many are working on themes, i worked for a company on creating themes, They will throw us a PSD Template and we must a develop a theme as per the requirement.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

How To Find ID Of Post/Page/Category

Finding a id of post or page or category will be important some times, i mean when you have to display data dynamically. In order to find id of a page or post or category. There are two ways

List Of Plugins For Wordpress Theme Development

Theme development of wordpress is really easy with little knowledge of php and css.
In the past i used work for the company where i build wordpress theme. When i was working , i used to build a theme in 2 days , actually our work is to convert PSD (Photoshop) Template to Wordpress Template.

Saturday 2 November 2013

How To Display LI Posts With Number

I was doing my crazy Research  then i got a simple idea to create posts which are listed as numbers. So i did it and now im making tutorial. It is really cool when ideas work.
Now back to tutorial.

I'm using blogger but i am explaining more about WordPress that's some what weird, even i host WordPress blogs but i love blog spot too so i cant ignore this blogger.

Starting with steps.

Firstly i will explain you about the code which i created for pages and number.

<div class="services">
<h3><span>OUR SERVICES</span></h3>
<ol><?php query_posts('category_name=services&showposts=10'); ?>
<?php $i=1;?>

<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    <li><div class="numberservices"><?php echo $i; ?></div><div class="servicesolnum"><h2> <?php echo get_the_title(); ?> </h2><?php the_excerpt(); ?></div></li>

<?php $i++?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
In the above code i have given numbering to each post by echoing it. Now i added background image for each number. It is the time to do some styling.
.services ol{

.services ol li {
background: url("images/green.png") no-repeat scroll left 10px;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    float: left;
    font-size: 30px;
    font-weight: bold;
    list-style: none outside none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 12px 0 0 15px;
    width: 425px;

Now styling has been completed. i did not explain actual process right? Add the php code in the page.php and css in style.css.

Friday 1 November 2013

Creating Custom Post Types With Out Coding

In WordPress there are lot of specialties even though i use blogger for my blog. Hehe :)
So enough of chit chat, In WP we have a special feature called custom post types which is used for adding different kinds of posts. If you want to know more about it, then read it here.

Okay here is the simple video which i created for beginners to use. If you find any thing to learn, please share it in comments.

WP Everthing Blog

Wp everything is the blog which provides information about the wordpress.
There are people who are in need of hacks,tips and tutorials of the wordpress.
I got an idea when i am doing R&D for sake of some tutorials. So i started this blog. I have researched lot of snippets, innovative methods which comes handy for you to use.